Classical music has had a major impact on pop culture: in movies, tv shows, modern music and fashion.Classical music has been a big part of movies and tv shows for many generations. This music sets the mood for some documentaries and movies including: war movies, kid's movies, romantic movies and sad movies. The music adds mystery, anticipation and drama to that specific scene.
most of the classical music is a repetition of generations. People are more aware of Bach, Beethoven and William Tell Overture than classical music of today. it is almost unheard of in today's world of original classical music being written and brought to major audiences. I'm sure there are some but unfortunately they are not produced or published to today's society. It's too bad that such an amazing and influential genre has to rely on music of the past when there has to be talented musicians who are left on the side lines because there doesn't seem to be a need for their work. Hopefully they won't ever have to wait to long and give up on their dreams.
Classical music is a soothing sometimes dramatic genre enjoyed by many.
Classical music has influenced today's music in the case of the musical structure, artists of today still use the same variation of the classical structure to write songs of many different genres. If there was no classical music people nowadays wouldn't actually know anything about music, and modern music wouldn't be produced.That's honestly amazing, modern music is pretty much 30% of my life. Every musical instrument used today has derived from an older classical instrument from either: strings, woodwinds,brass instruments and percussion instruments, Each of these instruments are used at specific times to emphasize the mood.